
Indulge in the bright, fresh flavors of a classic piccata without worrying about digestive distress. This Chicken Piccata recipe has been carefully crafted by dietitians to be both delicious and gentle on a sensitive gut.

Crisp chicken cutlets take center stage in a savory white wine and lemon sauce. Pounding the chicken first ensures tender bites that cook up quickly. A simple blend of gluten-free flour coats the cutlets for perfectly golden pan-searing.

Once the chicken is removed, the pan gets put to work creating a light, silky sauce. Lemon juice and chicken broth magnify the citrus pop while reducing potential FODMAPs. Capers add a briny bite to balance the acidity.

Best of all, this nourishing 30-minute meal comes together entirely on the stovetop. Serve it up over rice or pasta of your choosing for an easy, satisfying dinner. 


  • 4 chicken cutlets
  • 1/3 cup gluten-free flour blend
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 lemon sliced
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 3 tbsp capers
  • Fresh parsley
  • Cooked rice or spaghetti


  1. Pound chicken cutlets to 1/2 inch thickness
  2. Coat cutlets in flour blend
  3. Heat oil and butter in a skillet, cook cutlets for 2-3 mins per side
  4. Remove chicken, add lemon juice, broth, capers to skillet
  5. Simmer for 5 mins until thickened
  6. Serve chicken topped with sauce, rice, or pasta

Benefits of Chicken Piccata recipe for IBS

This recipe provides several advantages for those managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Pounding the chicken cutlets thin, requires minimal effort for the body to break down for easy digestion[1]. Coating the cutlets in a simple gluten-free flour blend ensures tender, juicy bites without hard-to-tolerate thickeners.

The light pan sauce relies on gentle ingredients to add moisture and punch. Small amounts of garlic-infused olive oil deliver flavor without disrupting many with IBS[2]. Lemon juice and broth balance the acidity naturally. Researchers have found citrus can help regulate the gastrointestinal system in IBS patients[3].

Capers bring boldness without excess salt. Salt has been shown to attract water into the intestines, potentially exacerbating diarrhea or discomfort in IBS[4]. Serving over rice or pasta provides fiber for regularity while limiting difficult-to-digest starch compared to bolognese or alfredo alternatives. With guidance from experts, this Chicken Piccata recipe for IBS aims to soothe symptoms through wholesome nutrition.

Easing IBS Symptoms Through an All-Meat Diet

Following a diet consisting solely of meat may help relieve common irritable bowel syndrome issues like stomach pains and bloating. By omitting plants and focusing on easily digestible proteins from animals, the digestive tract is given time to heal. Learn more about how this restrictive diet works and if it could help improve your sensitive gastrointestinal health.

More Poultry Dishes Designed for Delicate Digestions

If you enjoyed this Chicken Piccata recipe for IBS, check out additional bird-based meals created with sensitivity in mind. Baked chicken tends to be gentle and satisfying to eat. View recipes such as Lemon Roasted Chicken and Chicken Noodle Soup for simple options formulated to minimize discomfort.

Additional Recipes to Support Digestive Wellness

From Southwestern salad to smoothies, discover more meal ideas aimed at reducing abdominal troubles. Even slight shifts to your diet may significantly boost your digestive comfort. Browse extra recipes customized for your particular IBS requirements to gain further control over your gut health through carefully selected whole foods.

Recipe Sources

I would like to express my gratitude to the original recipe creators who inspired and informed the development of this Low FODMAP Chicken Piccata recipe tailored for those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Thank you to Kate Scarlata, RDN for sharing her quick and easy takes on this classic meal through her blog. Her expertise and guidance on the FODMAP diet made adapting this dish both nutritious and gentle possible.

I am also grateful to Dr. Rachel Pauls for her gluten-free and IBS-friendly version that demonstrated balancing flavors without common triggers. Referencing her work helped ensure this recipe remains compatible for the low FODMAP diet.

It is through the work of dedicated clinicians like Kate and Rachel that those dealing with digestive distress can still enjoy satisfying, restorative meals. I appreciate them taking the time to develop recipes and share their knowledge to support others. Their contributions were invaluable to creating this special Piccata.

Reference Studies

[1] Bi, Jicai et al. “Effects of different cooking methods on volatile flavor compounds of chicken breast.” Journal of food biochemistry, e13770. 12 Jul. 2021. [2] Ansary, Johura et al. “Potential Health Benefit of Garlic Based on Human Intervention Studies: A Brief Overview.” Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 9,7 619. 15 Jul. 2020. [3] Wang, Meiyan et al. “Citrus flavonoids and the intestinal barrier: Interactions and effects.” Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety vol. 20,1 (2021): 225-251. [4] Salari-Moghaddam, Asma et al. “Water consumption and prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome among adults.” PloS one vol. 15,1 e0228205. 24 Jan. 2020.

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